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GSA HQ Façade Restoration

Project Description: Since its original construction, there had been no major restorations of the stone façade of the building.  The limestone mortar joints had deteriorated severely resulting in visible erosions, crumbling, voids within joints, hairline cracks, and cracks between mortar and masonry. Due to the conditions, water was seeping through the walls and damaging the interior room finishes. Some limestone panels were broken, and corners were chipped off. More severely, some modillion cornices were falling and causing a safety hazard. SEG was originally contracted to complete +/-36,000 LF of mortar repointing, 20 stone patches and 200 LF weather cap installation.
SEG’s in-house stone mason crews performed the base contract work, leading GSA to subsequently award SEG six contract modifications to add additional scopes to the stone façade work due to SEG’s outstanding performance. Our crews assisted GSA’s historical architect and engineer to stabilize the modillion cornices and provided structural supports on broken stone lintels. With SEG’s expertise in stonework, we assisted GSA in establishing an additional stone façade restoration plan.  SEG was awarded an additional 20,000 LF of mortar repointing work. 

Project Location: Washington, DC

Owner: GSA

Cost of Construction: $3.0M

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